Technical data
Load capacity  
Permissible total weight: 18,000 kg when approved as HGV
Empty weight*: Depends on the equipment
Payload as HGV tractor unit*: Max. payload = 40% of the total weight
Min. own weight as HGV tractor unit*: 60% of the permitted total weight
Internal cargo area dimensions: approx. 2,800 mm L x 2,420 mm W x 1,300 mm H
External cargo area dimensions*: approx. 2,870 mm L x 2,550 mm W x 1,300 mm H

* = depending on equipment.

Basic version

The basic version of the ZKA1 offers a solid foundation for many purposes with an attractive price/performance ratio. Included in the basic version are:

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Tipping system 3-way tipper; hydraulic multi-piston press with cardanic suspension, 1-line system, ball tipper bearings with retainer at the rear, two unmistakable locking pins, hydraulic stroke limiter, safety rope, trailer tipping hydraulics separate for superstructure and trailer can be operated by pneumatic switching valve in the tractor
Auxiliary frame low height design in welded steel construction
Tipper frame steel welded construction, 4 mm steel floor plate
Bulkhead fixed made from webbed combined multiplex board 18 mm, WBP pasted, in the board wall area, use of stainless steel bolts fixed corner rungs, ergonomic access ladder with catwalk and accident protection bar according to the German accident prevention regulations (UVV), folded step outside and on the inside of the bulkhead
Side board walls: webbed combined multiplex board as with the bulkhead, WBP pasted, embedded in aluminium profile (with integrated water drain) with robust rubber seals that can be replaced, 2 side board walls each without horizontal partitioning, fixed centre posts with two removable connecting tubes, split central unlocking from underneath, unlocking lever from underneath at the front and rear with top dead point tensioner optimally designed for the equipping of an automatic side board wall remote unlocking system
Tailgate basic design is the same as the side board wall with an 1 grain feed in the middle (480 x 290 mm) with lever operation (left side) and removable discharge chute, fixed corner stanchions, central bottom unlocking, bottom unlocking lever on the left side with top dead point tensioner
Accessories resting point supports for tipping bridge to reduce noise during driving operation, protective caps on the screw connections
Paintwork body blasted with steel grit and also degreased, chip-resistant primer, sealing of areas in particular risk of corrosion using bodywork sealing compound, top coat in German quality dual-component gloss paint Assembly: Kröger green, panels = covered with "green" film on both sides, not UV resistant Auxiliary frame: Kröger green
Additional equipment

To prepare the ZKA1 in the best way for special tasks, we offer a wide range of options:

(You can add the individual items of optional equipment to the wish list using the + symbol.)

A 0103 Version as HGV tractor (prerequisite for a tax-exempted registration) is linked to this: - fixed welded loading area reduction to the 1.4-fold of the front-axle track (approx. 2800 mm) - Empty weight = 60 % of the permissible total weight (at 16 tonnes permissible total weight 9600 kg own weight)
A 0603 Board walls with plastic lightweight panels, 20 mm thick, board wall height 1500 mm, (colour white or in combination with L 1203, not suitable for direct filling by woodchippers)
A 0703 Special superstructure for side tipping of poorly sliding bulk cargo (e.g. compost): l e f t side board wall, opens far over the discharge cone using two hydraulic lifting arms and closes again using the double-action, 2 swivel side panels with bottom locks on the right side and in the tailgate approx. 1000 mm high (for unloading all bulk materials)
A 1003 Board wall height 1500 mm instead of 1300 mm Info: multiplex boards (coated with phenolic resin film on both sides, not UV resistant)
A 1203 Superstructure length 4000 mm instead of 2800 mm
A 1213 Superstructure length 4500 mm instead of 2800 mm
A 1223 Superstructure length 5000 mm instead of 2800 mm
A 2613 "Shock-Stop" potato chute (conveyor belt rubber) in the front cargo area
A 2643 5 x "pro" lashing eyes on both sides (when lowered, flush with body floor)
A 2653 5 x "basic" lashing eyes on both sides (with stepped, open troughs in the body floor)
A 2703 Mobile aluminium stepladder clamped onto the bulkhead
A 2803 Viewing window with guard grille in the bulkhead
A 2913 Continuous bottom unlocking shafts on the right + left side with 2 x top dead point tensioner at the bulkhead without top dead point tensioner at the rear
A 2933 Operation of the bottom unlocking system for the rear side board walls on the right and left sides via separate top dead point tensioners at the bulkhead (then a total of 4 items)
A 3003 Side tipping bridge extension 200 mm high, can be mounted on both sides
A 3103 Side tipping bridge extension 200 mm high, mounted on both sides
A 3153 Side bottom unlocking hooks, with threaded bushings on both sides
A 3203 Removable rear tipping bridge extension, over the whole vehicle width (W 2480 mm x L 300 mm) last part of the chute approx. 150 mm made of conveyor belt rubber.
A 5013 Pneumatic side board wall remote unlocking system on one side, can be re-positioned on the right and left side as required, with 4-5 metre superstructure; with connection for 2nd vehicle
A 5113 Pneumatic side board wall remote unlocking system, mounted on both sides with 4 to 5 metre superstructure, with connection for a 2nd vehicle
A 5703 Additional slide gate with chute in the tailgate (total of 2 items right + left)
A 5713 2 x additional slide gates with chute in the tailgate (total of 3 items)
A 6003 Plug-in triangle at the front and rear (300 mm) without middle triangle with foldable roof arch
A 7103 Yellow tarpaulin (reinforced material) with aluminium roller board, hand crank and removable stop supports on the side (can be fastened on the side with 2 x strap ratchets)
A 8003 Side board walls partitioned horizontally with rubber sealing system, on one side left or right only
A 8103 Side board walls partitioned horizontally with rubber sealing system, partitioned on both sides left or right
A 8203 Tailgate partitioned horizontally with rubber sealing system
A 8403 Centre post partitioned on one side, right or left
A 8453 Centre post partitioned on both sides, right and left
A 9053 Centre post can be folded and removed completely, on one side left or right only
A 9203 Tailgate as portal can be pivoted open by 270°
A 9313 Side board wall (2x) also as portal can be pivoted open using the centre post (for superstructure length > 2.80 m), including adjustable eccentric bolts, per side
A 9503 Continuous, reinforced swivel side panel on one side without a centre post
F 0103 Ancillary drive N71/1C for ZF gears with operation in the driver's cab (other gearboxes on request)
F 0303 1-hose hydraulic system with 120 litre oil tank on the side including filling with oil and assembly
F 1103 Towing hitch G150
F 1203 Towing hitch, shock-absorbed 95G150A
F 1403 Towing hitch traverse 24 tonnes hitching load
F 1503 Assembly of the towing hitch traverse
F 1603 Underride protection, if not fitted
F 1703 Relocating the electric and pneumatic connections
F 1753 Installation of the ABS socket
F 1903 Mudguard, rear axle one-piece mounting
F 4853 Removeable voltage converter for light systems from 24 volt to 12 volt (not suitable for continuous operation)
F 5143 Contour marking film, yellow on the side and rear of the vehicle (mandatory for approval > 60 km/h)
F 5213 2 x additional LED reversing lights on the rear of the vehicle
L 1103 Special paintwork, auxiliary frame (without chassis) according to RAL tone
L 1203 Special paintwork, superstructure and side board walls according to RAL tone
L 1503 Stone chipping protection coating under the tipping bridge in the area above the wheels
T 3003 Manufacturer$s certificate for the conversion from semi-trailer tractor to HGV tractor with a hitching load of 24 tonnes (mandatory for second-hand HGV, net price cannot be discounted)
T 4003 Registering of the technical changes in the vehicle documents (net price cannot be discounted)
T 9003 Transport costs, German post code 0-4 (net price cannot be discounted)
T 9103 Transport costs, German post code 5-9 (net price cannot be discounted)

Our ZKA1 in action

Would you like to find out more?

There is also a contact person for your region:

Matthias Oelkers
Area sales manager
(DE north - centre - east; DK)
+49 173 / 6484847
Peter Franz
Area sales manager
(DE south - central, AT)
+49 171 / 9572155
Symen van der Veen
Area sales manager
(BE; NL)
+31 6515 72523
Sándor Fazekas
Area sales manager
(BG; CZ; HR; HU; RO; RS; SK; SI)
+49 176 / 66456951
+36 20 427 4211
Markus Borchers
Product manager
+49 177 / 7963617
Julian Franke
Internal sales / shipping

+49 4445 / 96 36 - 39
Oliver Krohse
Head of sales trailers
(DE midwest)
+49 4445 / 96 36 - 24
René Tabeling
Area sales manager
(DE centre - west)
+49 4445 / 9636-68
+49 174/2131461

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